Wiki Coding Procedures


Mint Hill, NC
Best answers
I have a question which is more to confirm my thought process. Currently my GI docs have their nurses mark the procedure code (egd, colonoscopy) on a charge ticket and then this is sent to the coder who prints the report and codes from the report and enters the charge.

I am proposing the physicians by pass the nurses and simply provide the dictated report to the coder, who would code the procedure and enter the charge, (I know, next step is having someone else enter the charge).

Can anyone provide me with a reason as to why this is not fesible? I have told the physicians we will provide them with a daily listing of the patients and the charges so they can verify, but they don't seem interested in reviewing the charges.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Change is sometimes hard for some. Your idea seems very practical and reduces the number of steps needed to perform tasks during a clinical day. We eliminated this paper-step over a year ago, our physicians didn't want to lose this crutch. The nurses were grateful as it was one less step for them to complete for multiple patients. Now when we send out a weekly "Production" report via email, they wonder where it is if it's not there for their 9am staff meeting.

Good luck with your suggestion!