Wiki Coding Portal System


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When coding any movement withing the Portal vein, such as direct puncture into the main portal vein and then move the catheter into the RT portal vein, would this be considered a selective catheterization for coding purposes or would this not be coded because you are still within a non-selective vessel?
Yes, but would this be the only code? would I code 36011 and/or 36012 if the catheter was placed into the RT portal vein branch and then the LT portal vein branch? I thought any movement within the Portal Vein is still just 36481.
Assuming that you are NOT doing a TIPS procedure or TIPS revision, according to the SIR Guide, this would still be 36481. Selecting to pancreatic or other veins would be selective catheterizations (code both 36481 and 36011/36012 in that case)