Wiki Coding Polyneuropathy in the feet


Louisville, KY
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The terms “Polyneuropathy” and “peripheral neuropath” are often used interchangeably. Peripheral neuropathy in the feet is coded 355.8. However, if the record documents "polyneuropathy in the feet", the alphabetic index does not include a sublisting for feet or lower extremity, and thus, it appears polyneuropathy in the feet would be coded 356.9. I am interested in hearing how others are coding polyneuropathy in the feet - 356.9 versus 355.8.
I look at 355.8 usually due to injury causing the problem whereas 356.9 is hereditary (genetic) and idiopathic. So it depends on the actual Dx and symptoms or cause as to which I would use.
The record often does not specify a cause. It simply states “polyneuropathy in the feet”. Peripheral neuropathy in the feet is coded 355.8. Polyneuropathy in the alphabetic index is followed by (peripheral), but does not include a sublisting for lower extremity. It would seem that peripheral neuropathy of the lower extremity and polyneuropathy of the lower extremity are the same condition. However, the former is coded 355.8 and the latter 356.9, correct?