Wiki Coding over 12 diagnosis codes for outpatient setting


True Blue
Atlanta, GA
Best answers
While completing outpatient coding uses a CMS 1500 form which will not allow over 12 diagnosis codes. At times my provider gives over 12 dx codes. So I must remove some dx codes listed. I remove the ones in which he gives the dx description as stable or another physician is taking care of the illness. I liked to know is anyone else handling this dilemma the same?

First, I check to see if any of the diagnoses could be called a sign/symptom of something else already listed. After that, I try to find the problem that is closest to self-limiting (especially if it isn't mentioned in the chief complaint). Finally, if all else fails, I will remove any dx's that are not linked to any meds or lab orders

Thankfully, I've only had to remove dx's about 4-5 times in four years
coding over 12 dx

Hi ER Jones
Thank you for responding. Good idea on how to eliminate diagnosis from reading documentation to ensure doc is not using just dx codes of signs and symptoms and the related dx. My doc is very through over his patients and some of them are a sickly bunch.

Thank you again for input