Wiki Coding Order


Boise, ID
Best answers
I have always thought that when you have to use an additional code, per the instructions in the code book, such as htn and ckd, that these codes needed to be paired together on the claim form, but I've recently been given the impression that that's not necessarily true. Do these codes not have to be coded together on claim forms?

When you look at the 403 or I12 codes for hypertensive chronic kidney disease it instructs you to add the code for the stage of chronic kidney disease. When you code hypertensive heart disease 402 or I11, you do not add a code for the heart disease, you only add the code for heart failure if documented. So you see sometimes the combined codes need no further codes added and other codes will instruct you to add an additional code.
They do not necessarily need to be paired together, but if they can be, they should be. It's important to make sure the codes that are imperative to be on the claim get there first. Does that make sense?