Wiki Coding office visit for colon pre-screen

Rutherford, NJ
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Have a question regarding billing for Aetna insurance all types of plans. When we have pre-screen visit for aetna do we bill it Z12.11 with S0285 or Z01.818 along with e/m code or Z01.818 with S0285. I submitted a claim with Z10.818 and S0285 it got denied for procedure code. Then submitted another with Z12.11 and S0285 it got denied again for procedure code. How else do I bill this office visit for pre-screening pt is 46? Can someone suggest.
I listened to a webinar a few years ago regarding GI procedures, and the presenter stated you cannot bill for a pre-screening colonoscopy visit. I’m curious if this is still accurate? If it is, that could explain your denials. Anyone know if this is accurate?