Wiki Coding Non-Free Standing Radiology Facility


Greater Atlanta
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Does any one code and bill for a non-free standing radiology facility. I am trying to see if it is appropriate to add the HCPCS contrast code for those scans that are with contrast. This seem like double dipping to me.. Please help is you can.. Thank you
To encompass a radiological procedure that included intravascular, intra-articular or intrathecally administration of a contrast material, you would use the appropriate CPT code which includes the statement "with contrast" in the descriptor to describe the procedure performed. A HCPCS code (ususally a J or Q code) would also be used to represent the specific type and dosage of contrast material administered.

If the procedure performed only required the use of an orally administered contrast material (ie: barium), then you cannot use the CPT code "with contrast" to describe it because oral contrast material does not meet the AMA guideline definition of "with contrast." Therefore, the appropriate CPT code would be the code which includes "without contrast" in the descriptor.

Hope that helps!