Wiki Coding non-diagnostic imaging

High Point, NC
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I have come across several reports (XR & US modalities) where the report stated the exam was non-diagnostic due to either body habitus, patient motion, etc.; to code these exams correctly for professional radiology component only, would I need to add a 52 modifier?? OR do I just bill it out normally since we, as radiologists, did our part of the reading the exam in full? Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Thank you,
Well, I think you would have to double check with your manager or client on what to do in that case. Where I work, we do not code anything that is non-diagnostic. It gets sent back to the client blank for review. I'm not sure how they handle it from there. A modifier 52 is used when the documentation states the exam is limited for one reason or another, but to me that is not the same as non-diagnostic. I'm not sure if I really answered your question--hope you get some clarification soon.

Lindsay Della Vella BS, COC