Wiki Coding multiple skin grafts


Orlando, FL
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Can anyone outline how multiple FTSG or STSG applied to multiple areas should be coded. We have sources that tell us the graft area dimensions should be combined if they are in the same anatomical group in CPT (similar to the closure/laceration repairs) and we have not been able to find a definitive source that directs us how these should be coded.

We have looked in NCCI, CPT Assistant to no avail. Any sources for this information would be greatly appreciated.
Multiply first, then add

FIRST ... they have to be the same type of graft (either FT or ST), and on the same body area.

So, for example... you perform TWO split thickness skin grafts on the back.
Graft # 1 measures 6cm x 8cm. Graft # 2 measures 2cm x 5cm.

6cm x 8cm = 48 sq cm
2cm x 5cm = 10 sq cm

48 + 10= 58 sq cm So you would use 15110 ONCE

Of course if the patient is UNDER age 10, you go by % of TBSA grafted.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
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