Wiki Coding Lt Ventricular Lead Placement

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Hoping someone can help me with this question...

A physician performed CABG x3 and then states Placement of a permanent Medtronic 35cm bipolar epicardial left ventricular lead. Looks like a temp pacer was placed duriong the CABG but this lead (per DC summary) was placed with anticipation of IV pacer in the future. My question can this lead be billed, if so, what code and why? In my research, it looks as though lead is billed when attached to new pacer or already placed pacer. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

Yes it may be billed as 33202 because it was a permanent lead placed via an open incision. This code is to be used for any open epicardial permanent lead placement regardless of where the lead is placed (RA, RV, or LV).