Wiki Coding labs - diabetics is uncontrolled


Local Chapter Officer
Pinebush, NY
Best answers
When your coding an encounter form for labs and glucose is elevated do you code it as 790.29 or 250.02? And if in the doctors report he didn't mention that the diabetics is uncontrolled can you still code it as 250.02 base on the lab result? Your insights are much appreciated.
ELevted blood glucose

Just based on the labs we are not suppose to code Diabetes, unless physician mentions.
When doing labs you use (for fasting labs) 790.21 Impaired fasting glucose or 790.29 other abnormal glucose. If the doctor didn't mention diabetes in the note then you can't code it as that. If he did mention it, but didn't say which type or unstated as controlled/uncontrolled you will use 250.00. I hope this helps.:)