Wiki Coding jobs


Citrus Height, CA
Best answers
Just a note of thought as I search the job market and read through 100's of descriptions, qualifications, and other task as assigned.:(

Is there any coding jobs left that don't require you to be the biller, or companies that require the coder to have a nursing degree? I would much rather code than biller/coder or biller or jack of all trades in an office.

I realize that when coding one must have a mindset of the billing guidelines and payer contracts, rules and regs, company policies and such. To code with modifiers and Medicare guidelines and be mindful of the setting.

But when all is done and coded seems like we are setting the claim up, if not doing the billing job as well. So does that mean that billers are coders?:confused:

There is a hugh biller job market out there under coding jobs, reimbursement, contacting, medical office management, etc. Maybe I am searching the wrong sites, under the wrong JOB titles.

Most ads read biller exp, reimbursement, revenue cycle, payer guidelines, medicare, medical knowledge etc.

Just food for thought as we all pursue the perfect job.. happy hunting:)

WOW help just love to code.....:) maybe I should take a biller certification or CPC-P
My experience

I guess we all come from different backgrounds and I basically started out as a biller (my first love), but realized along the way, I was actually doing some coding and putting in charges and did have to have a vast coding knowledge in order to bill correctly and be able to identify billing errors. I feel blessed that I have the background that I do because I can getting billing jobs and coding jobs or both. I have a few friends who strictly do coding and know very little about billing. For me, I feel like having my CPC and also billing experience is an asset and opens more doors. I know AAPC now has a professional billing certification so if interested you may want to check it out. I am going to go ahead and get that so I have 2 certifications. It really is a matter or preference. I LOVE billing, it's what I do but I like coding too. Good luck on whichever way you decide or go...or stay.. as the case may be.