Wiki Coding Jobs for beginners


Idaho Falls, Idaho
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I just received my certification (CPC) and now looking for a remote coding job. I have found many jobs available, but they all are looking for experience. Anyone know of jobs for beginners? or where to find them?
Coding Jobs once you are newly certified CPC-A

I, too, am having difficulty finding jobs for a new CPC-A coder. All jobs want experienced coders. Please, will some one with the information please address this issue? Thank you.
I just received my certification (CPC) and now looking for a remote coding job. I have found many jobs available, but they all are looking for experience. Anyone know of jobs for beginners? or where to find them?

You may have to apply for other medical jobs as in front desk, collections, ect. I started in the ER registering patients and moved up to ER coding. Now I'm coding in cardiology for multiple hospitals.
Remote work for CPC-A is typically only found in seasonal HCC work where they train. You need to be self sufficient in coding for most other remote work.
any job recommedations in galveston area

You may have to apply for other medical jobs as in front desk, collections, ect. I started in the ER registering patients and moved up to ER coding. Now I'm coding in cardiology for multiple hospitals.

i went for er coding job interview.They gave me questions to code which i did.
not sure,they offered to someone else.
i went for er coding job interview.They gave me questions to code which i did.
not sure,they offered to someone else.
You have to prove yourself before venturing into remote coding. Remote coding requires knowledge, experience and extreme self-discipline to prove that you are able to work without any supervision. It isn't as easy as it sounds.
I just received my certification (CPC) and now looking for a remote coding job. I have found many jobs available, but they all are looking for experience. Anyone know of jobs for beginners? or where to find them?

I am still a student as I completed the MBIC course in Nov of 2016 but decided to continue to attain my AA. I have 27 years experience in Telecommunications and worked for approximately 15 years telecommuting from home. I worked for AT&T in Information Technology for high-end data products and my job was to implement the sale. I too am interested in telecommuting or the preferred jargon for the medical industry appears to be working remotely and so I asked the pertinent questions. Many of the responses I received was that the billing companies want their coders, billing and coding representatives to be well grounded before they will allow them to work remotely and I believe that I heard that the minimum is at least 2 years. Think about it though. It makes perfect sense to me. Newly certified coders may have passed the exam to get the certification but you are in no way ready to be on your own. What will you do if you have questions? How long will it take for a response that still may not provide the correct answer. It not only takes time away from your responsibilities but you most likely will end up with a lot of rejections that will result in added expenses for you, your company, irritating the carriers, your boss, and your customer. Earning you a tainted reputation that you may never recover from. I strongly suggest that if you are fortunate enough to land a remote job long before you are ready, the bigger price you will pay will be the loss of self-confidence and the inability to establish a trusting relationship with insurance companies, patients, and your employer. Wait until you are a seasoned coder and you have had experience in more areas than just billing or coding. In my first month of the nine-month program, it became quite clear that this job is not for the faint of heart. This job is highly complex and I knew I would need to be performing it for 2 to five years before I would be ready to work on my own. I am no slouch, I am a quick study, very bright, and able with 27 years of customer service from billing issues to service issues, I am well versed in MS programs and I am well versed as well as an SME (Subject Matter Expert) on data circuits, Frame Relay, ISDN, PRI, DSL, T1's, EBS, Sonet Ring, VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocols), SuperTrunk, and etc., and etc. Do yourself a favor and give yourself time to become much more experienced before you try it on your own.