Wiki Coding help


True Blue
Mims, Florida
Best answers
Does anyone know of a source where I can learn about coding for Plastic Surgery? Our group has taken on a Plastic Surgeon and I have many questions about correct coding. The doctor wants to bill for everything and I want to make sure I am not unbundling things that shouldn't be.

Thanks to all, :)

The American Academy of Plastic Surgeons offers an annual coding seminar that is VERY helpful. The physician must be a member of the association and approve (in writing) the attendance of the coder. My doctor did this for me a few years ago. Great seminar.

The Coding Companion for Plastics/OMS/Dermatology (published by Ingenix) is also very helpful.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
Thanks Tessa. I am looking into that seminar. My doctor is not a member yet - she is in the processing of joining, but it looks like the seminar isn't until August - just missed it! I have a request in for the book too and am waiting for that to arrive.
Wow - maybe that is why they had it in August this year!! I didn't see anything on their site for one in the winter - I will check again to make sure I am not missing one that would be sooner than next year! Thanks again Tessa.