Wiki Coding help


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Hi everyone I need some help with dx testing coding. this is specifically for out patient services like MRI, CAT scans etc. how do you know went to code from impression vs using the dx on script example pt comes in with CP and they have a stress test done and the impression is cardiomegaly and mitral regurgitation what would your first listed dx ? chest pain or cardiomegaly? thanks for help :D
I believe that you have to go with the findings as the diagnosis code and not the impression. For example, a CT scan is done and the impression is chronic sinusitis but what was found was hypertrophy turbinates, then you have to bill hypertrophy turbinates. Or, if nothing was found, then you put the sign or symptom as to why the patient needed the CT scan
The impression in Radiology is the diagnosis from the radiologist, the impression from an interventional radiology is the cardiologist or the radiologist. these are definitive diagnostic findings rendered by physicians, which may be coded as a principle diagnosis by either physician or outpatient coders. You do not code both the symptom and the finding and you are allowed to either. look at this posters other post on the same issue in a different heading more information was reaveled as to the type of position this person has and makes it appropriate and correct for her to code the "impression" (finding)(diagnosis).