Wiki Coding Help

Cheat sheet

I would be careful accepting any cheat sheets from anyone as most of them have a copy right. It is never good to bill off a cheat sheet especially if you are new to cardiology coding. Cardiology coding has become very difficult with the elimination of codes and bundling. I would seek some cardiology specific training or a webinar where you can get these materials that are yours to reference after purchasing. You should always be checking the codes billed in your CPT book as some Drs will write that they did something but not have it in their dictation. Sorry if this sounds abrupt but I would hate to see something so innocent cause you any trouble. Best of luck in your new field. :)
There are a few tips here and there. I don't have them all written down as they are in my head. LOL

For example, just bc a left ventriculogram was not done doesn't mean a LHC (93458) can't be billed. In fact, when the physician documents Left Ventricular Diastolic Pressures, you can still capture 93458-26.

Are you coding any Cardiothoracic? Or Vascular, like fistulograms? There are a few things I can share there as well. Anyway, feel free to email me and I'll be happy to help you, when you need it.