Wiki coding help please


Schenectady, NY
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Can you bill an egd and a snare on the same pt, same time but by separate doctors?

If so, what modifiers if any would you use?

Coding scenerio - doc 1 performs egd and comes across a polp for which he calls in doc 2 to remove. Scope is already in place and doc 2 just removes polyp via snare then doc 1 finishes the egd.

Both docs dictated for their portions and want to bill.

Would you bill a 43235 for doc 1 and a snare for doc 2. Would you use a 59 on the 43235.

43235 would be payable if procedures were done at different times,lesions ect but I am not sure of the whole 2 doc thing.

When two docs do pegs we use a 62 for each one. Would this be appropriate?
I think, and I am not 100% on this, but I think that 43246 is the only EGD code that's payable as a cosurgery with mod 62.

And with 43235 being inherently bundled into 43251, I don't think you can bill both of those when it was the same session, even if it was two docs.

But I've not run across this situation before, and I'm only surmising. Hopefully somebody else out there will be more helpful.