Wiki Coding heart cath, w/ coronary angiography

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**My first post**
I'm not a professional coder by any stretch but I've been trying to learn more since I came into the cardiology field. One of our docs did as follows:

Left heart catheterization with coronary angiography, left ventriculography, angioplasty, carotid arch and four vessels, abdominal aortogram, and right selective runoff. (Report available if more information is needed)

The coder billed 93458.26, 36200, and 75716.

Our reimbursement was only $278.98 and I feel sure that a modifier should be attached to not only the 36200, but also the 75716. Insurance denial just states that the 36200 & 75716 were included in the 93458.26. I was thinking the 36200 would need a mod 50, and the 75716 would need to have a 26 & 59. But again, I'm not a coder, just trying to learn as I come across denials so I can fix them.

Code 36200 is a column 2 code for 93458, These codes cannot be billed together in any circumstances.
Code 36200 is bundled into code 93458 Code 36200 cannot be billed with 93458.
CCI edit Rule:
Misuse of column two code with column one code

Code 75716 is a column 2 code for 93458 , but a modifier is allowed in order to differentiate between the services provided.
*Use modifier with code 75716
CCI edit Rule:
Misuse of column two code with column one code

Hope this helps