Wiki coding for triplets


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Patient delivered via C-section for live triplets with postpartum care (partial care only) please help with coding of the triplets.
Patient delivered via C-section for live triplets with postpartum care (partial care only) please help with coding of the triplets.

Even though there were 3 babies delivered, there was only 1 surgery session/incision made, so you would use CPT 59515 for the C-section and postpartum care. The diagnosis codes would be 651.11 (or if she was pre-term or other complcation, code that first) and V27.5. Some insurances may take into account that there was more than 1 baby and pay higher, but I don't know.

The only time I've billed differently is when the first baby is born vaginally, but then the second (or third) has to be delivered via C-section.

I hope this helps!
Could you please clarify whether to use a modifier? Thanks
Triplets c-section Delivery has definitely addtional/ increased work- difficulties in delivering the first, then the second and third might require changing the existing position of the baby to a comfortable/easy delivering position, work involved, time taken all that it definitely involves. So 59510( global) / 59515( for CS and postpartum careonly)with modifier -22 should be appended. But mak esure that you have the supporting doctors report for this additional work.
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