Wiki Coding for Secondary Malignancy


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I know that a personal history code from V10 is used only for a primary malignancy if its been removed and no evidence of remaining malignancy exists. But how would you code the secondary malignancy if it was surgically treated or if therapy is no longer required? I've been searching high and low strongly assuming that a code has to be in existence for this type of situation, but I'm having no luck at finding one. :confused:
the primary is the malignancy, the metastatic site is the same neoplasm just in a different location. So bone mets with primary breast cancer is breast cancer now located in the bone. so it is still hx of breast cancer even when the treatment of the bone mets is no longer required.
the primary is the malignancy, the metastatic site is the same neoplasm just in a different location. So bone mets with primary breast cancer is breast cancer now located in the bone. so it is still hx of breast cancer even when the treatment of the bone mets is no longer required.

oh ok, that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying that for me. I was assuming it would be considered two types of cancers.