Wiki Coding for Screening vs surveillance with ICD-10


East Haven, Connecticut
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With ICD-10 enabling us to bill K63.5 for hyperplastic polyps and D12.x for adenomatous polyps, a new question has come up.

We know that if a patient has a history of polyps, and they return to have a repeat surveillance colonoscopy years later, that it is not a screening colonoscopy. It is billed as a preventative service, with the personal history of colon polyps as the dx. But if a polyp is hyperplastic, instead of adenomatous, would it still be a surveillance colonoscopy or would the provider be able to bill a screening colonoscopy?

What do you think?
They wouldn't be following up for the polyps if they were all hyperplastic. Those aren't the patients you call back to rescope in 5 years.