Wiki coding for provider filling out certifications and medical forms - Non medicare


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My primary care physician asked me if we were able to bill any special code for his time filling out certifications/medical forms. Is this part of the same E & M?? Sometimes the patient will come in and just want the form filled out..... I cannot seem to find any code that will allow him to bill for his time, or this a Dx thing and we bill an office visit code with a certain Dx code rather than a specific CPT for form filling. Thanks!

so you mean you charge the patient, not the insurance? I saw the 99080, that was for unusual beyond the typical I assumed there was a typical form CPT code..
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My primary care physician asked me if we were able to bill any special code for his time filling out certifications/medical forms. Is this part of the same E & M?? Sometimes the patient will come in and just want the form filled out..... I cannot seem to find any code that will allow him to bill for his time, or this a Dx thing and we bill an office visit code with a certain Dx code rather than a specific CPT for form filling. Thanks!

We charge a flat fee of $10 per form, for Provider's time reviewing chart and filling out form. We have this policy posted in our waiting room so there are no surprises and to make sure it's a "set policy". In our system we have a form "dummy code" so we can attach to each patient's account and to keep track, then type in a note of what kind of form it is. Patient pays the fee before being handed the form or before we fax form to where ever it needs to go.