Wiki Coding for High Risk Pregnancies

Petaluma , CA
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Outpatient Setting: The provider documents patient has GDM, oral and diet controlled. He uses O09.XX as the primary diagnosis code, then goes on to list the others. I am confused as to when I would use codes from category O09 versus using only the other codes from chapter 15. I've researched this and it is not clear when it comes to the outpatient setting.

Thank you,
Not really clear?

Hello! OB coder here! I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking or what you mean by using other codes from the chapter as opposed to the diabetes code? What was the patient being seen for?
Outpatient Setting: The provider documents patient has GDM, oral and diet controlled. He uses O09.XX as the primary diagnosis code, then goes on to list the others. I am confused as to when I would use codes from category O09 versus using only the other codes from chapter 15. I've researched this and it is not clear when it comes to the outpatient setting.

Thank you,

Also, if it was an every day (or HROB) antepartum visit, then it should have the primary dx as “supervision of high risk pregnancy ___ trimester”, followed by the chapter 15 code indicating the risk, then the diabetes code, and lastly, the weeks of gestation code.