So patient is positive for alcohol, Cannabinoids, and benzos-
is it appropriate to us DX F19.24 other psychoactive substance dependence w/o psychoactive subst. induced mood disorder? Or do I have to code for each one?
F10.24 alcohol dep with alcohol induced mood d/o
F13.24 for benzo
F12.288 cannabis dependence with other cannabis induced mood d/o?
Or is there a code for all three?
is it appropriate to us DX F19.24 other psychoactive substance dependence w/o psychoactive subst. induced mood disorder? Or do I have to code for each one?
F10.24 alcohol dep with alcohol induced mood d/o
F13.24 for benzo
F12.288 cannabis dependence with other cannabis induced mood d/o?
Or is there a code for all three?