Wiki coding for diabetes


Jonesboro, AR
Best answers
Can you code secondary diabetes with neurological manifestions and diabetes mellitus type 2 in the same case? I didn't think you could but I don't know

Also do you have to know the manifestation to code for secondary diabetes
if they were already a diabetic then there could not be a precipitating cause for another form of diabetes. Why do you feel your patient has both?
So no you cannot code for both and yes you do need the underlying cause.

I just check the codes that the clinicians put in. They have both codes in and they never put manifestation codes. I am cpc certified so I tell them that they need manifestation codes and I didn't think they could have both diabetes
you should always check the documentation. Never assign a code without a review of the chart note. Many things have been coded that are not represented in the chart note.
The Coding guidelines cover secondary diabetes extremely well. I suggest that you supply a copy of these to the clinicians.