Wiki Coding for an Admission during postop globa


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Hi - Would like help please with the following: My Surgeon admitted a pt. during the post op global period of GB Sx Which he did not perform. Admitting DX was Abd. abscess which was related to the sx.
Would I use the 24 modifier in order for my surgeon to get paid? Thinking that if I use the PO sx care only modifier
he wont get any reimbursement. TIA for any help
Deb, CPC
Did someone in his group do the surgery? The global period only applies to the provider who did the surgery or those in his group of the same specialty. If the surgery was done by a different group you would just bill this as usual no modifier needed.

If it was a complication of surgery and the global does apply to him then the 24 would not be appropriate and the only thing he could get paid for would be return trips to the OR. He would not get to bill for E/M services. This is based on CMS guidelines.

Laura, CPC, CEMC