Wiki Coding Echos


Rockaway Park, New York
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Hey All,
I have a question. My boss wants to do echos but lease out a tech and the machine. The Dr will read and interpret the results. I thought each would bill with the appropriate modifiers, we would bill the Drs portion and the tech would bill his. Someone else told me we would bill both components because we are paying for the tech and machine through a lease. I want to be compliant with this so does anyone have any insight?
We hire a tech and his machine and we bill for the Echo only. A doctor from another practice reads it, so we bill only for the technical part.
the 'tech' doesn't get to bill anything for echoes. only the provider can bill for that.

if you own the equipment, then you can bill them globally with POS Office.

if you are doing the echoes for another provider, not in your group, who will be doing the interpretation/report, then your office would bill out with the TC modifier only.

if you don't own the equipment, and the provider is only interpreting/reporting on the results, then you would bill out with the 26mod.

but usually, the 26 mod is used when the TC component is done at a Facility, not office.