Wiki Coding Consults


Efland, North Carolina
Best answers
I need help coding a pre-op consult. Patient is having hammer toe correction and the only DX he has is 356.1 and 300.00. I think it should be billed as an office visit, not a 99242. Any suggestions?
should be billed as a preop - V72.83 - hammer toe 735.4/735.56/268.1 which ever one is correct - then your 356.1 & 300.00.

should have a request from the other provider for the consult...the three R's need to be met: Request (from other provider) - Render (decision made ok to proceed or not)- Report (back to referring provider).

is there a request from another provider? does your provider do the exam and give clearance? does your provider send their findings to the requesting provider?

**other considerations - is this the day before surgery? decision for surgery? do global issues come into play?**