Wiki Coding Companion books


springfield, MO
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Hi. I'd like to hear from someone who has used any of the Ingenix Coding Companion books. Have you found them to be helpful? And was it worth the money? You can send a private email to me if you prefer. Thanks.
Hi. I'd like to hear from someone who has used any of the Ingenix Coding Companion books. Have you found them to be helpful? And was it worth the money? You can send a private email to me if you prefer. Thanks.

We use the Neurosurgery/Neurology Coding Companion books here in my clinic. I find them very helpful; they include more detailed explanations of of procedures, along with pictures, that helps me better understand what exactly the physician is doing. Also has ICD9 codes, CCI Edits, RVU info, and associated terms for each procedure.

As far as it being worth the money...the clinic purchases it, so I say Yes LOL not sure if I'd be as willing to pay for it myself. All the extra info it provides can be found in other places, especially doing a google search, just a matter of taking the time to find what you're looking for.

I'm fairly new in coding, so I don't really have much input on possible alternatives.

Hope this helps you! :D
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Thanks, Meagan. Sounds like it would be handy to have for SX coding. Right now I mostly do e/m but I would like to learn more about SX coding.
Working for a gastro practice we have found it is almost essential to get the companion book. So much so, that when I ventured out into remote coding through a friend of mine and took on an OB/GYN practice I immediately purchased the Coding companion and the billing companion books.
Very helpful

I find the Coding Companion very helpful. I work for both General Surgery and Plastic Surgery/Craniofacial Reconstruction.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
I definitely think it is worth the money, I use the Neurosurgery coding companion daily. It is extremely helpful when I am trying to narrow a procedure down between two codes. The descriptions of the procedures provide much needed information.