Wiki Coding Colonoscopies


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Hope someone can guide me....

In reviewing the article in the Cutting Edge about Colonoscopies:

For example:

If a person is coming in for a screening and has a personal hx of polyps and they find polyps, should I code in the following manner:

V12.72 and 211.3? or just V12.72, or just 211.3?

If a person comes in for a screening and has a family hx of colon cx, should I code the following:

V76.51, V10.05, or just V10.05?

If person comes in for screening and has family hx of colon polyps, then:

V76.51, V18.51 or should it just be V18.51?

Thanks for any help...just starting to code colonoscopies and I'm somewhat overwhelmed.

A colonoscopy is no longer a screening if there has been polyps found in the past. you would bill V12.72 and a 211.3 only if they find another polyp

Family history: if the pt has a 1st degree relative with history then you should bill the V16.0 if it is not a 1st degree relative then you can bill V76.51 and V16.0. The trouble with that is getting the physician to state what relative has the history.

Family History of polyps would be the V76.51, V18.51

Hope this helps.
Thank you so much.....

Just one more question.....

If someone is coming in for a survellance colonoscopy, is it appropriate to bill V76.51 or is that strickley for a regular screening?


you never bill a v76.51 after there is a finding such as polyps as it is no longer a screening.
33 modifier

If during a screening there is a finding such as a polyp then you would code the procedure code with the method of the removal and a 33 modifier to show it was scheduled as a screening but something was found. With a Medicare patient you would us the PT modifier instead of the 33.
Hope it helps