Wiki Coding Cardio Report


High View, WV
Best answers
1. Right radial artery access, 5-French diagnostic sheath
2. Coronary angiography of the left and right system
3. Left ventriculogram in the RAO 30 degree, 4 degree cranial prjection using 20cc at 10 cc/second
4. Angiomax administration
5. Balloon angioplasty followed by Xience stenting of the right coronary artery from its proximal mid region down to just before the bifurcation with placement of two 28 x 2.75 Xience stents with a distal overlapping 12 x 2.5 Xience stents. These were post dilated with the stent balloons to high pressure
6. Intracoronary nitroglycerin administration x4 of 200 mcg
7. Intra sheath administration of verapamil 2.5 mg in the right radial sheath
8. Angiomax administration systemically

The codes which I choose were 92928-RC, 93460

Am new to cardio coding and want to make sure that I am capturing all services that are applicable. Thanks for your help!!
1. Right radial artery access, 5-French diagnostic sheath
2. Coronary angiography of the left and right system
3. Left ventriculogram in the RAO 30 degree, 4 degree cranial prjection using 20cc at 10 cc/second
4. Angiomax administration
5. Balloon angioplasty followed by Xience stenting of the right coronary artery from its proximal mid region down to just before the bifurcation with placement of two 28 x 2.75 Xience stents with a distal overlapping 12 x 2.5 Xience stents. These were post dilated with the stent balloons to high pressure
6. Intracoronary nitroglycerin administration x4 of 200 mcg
7. Intra sheath administration of verapamil 2.5 mg in the right radial sheath
8. Angiomax administration systemically

The codes which I choose were 92928-RC, 93460

Am new to cardio coding and want to make sure that I am capturing all services that are applicable. Thanks for your help!!

Without seeing the report based on what you have above is 92928.RC and 93458.26.59. You don't have any mention of a right heart catheterization being done. Just a left heart cath.

Jessica CPC, CCC