Wiki Coding Cancer If Not Treating It


Mount Vernon , KY
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Do you code a neoplasm/cancer if not treating it? My hesitation is the principal diagnosis of this office visit (anxiety) is due to the cancer and I wanted to include his prostate cancer in the diagnoses. However, do we code the neoplasm/cancer if not treating it? Thanks in advance!
There needs to be an active treatment plan for the patient and/or an indication that the cancer is still there. Inquire with the doctor whether the pt still has the cancer or not. If not, use a 'V' code for history of the prostate cancer - V10.46 to be exact.
Yes chaimz, the cancer is still active and the patient actually just found out about it a month ago from oncologist. Thank you so much for your help but I'm still cautious. If cancer is active but primary care physician isn't exactly treating it do I still report it? Patient has anxiety related to the cancer which is why I was questioning. Thanks!
Yes you code it as a secondary. Remember if it is managed, controlled, or treated, or impacts the treatment plan, or has an impact on the present condition. In this case the cancer is the reason for the presenting condition so yes code it in addition.