Wiki Coding & Billing for Naturopath in OR

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Hi, hoping I am on the right track! I have struggled to find resources about Naturopathic Doctors billing in Oregon... Some insurance recognizes as a primary, some as specialist, and some do not recognize ND. I bill for E/M 99213-99215 most often and am concerned I am missing potential HCPCS for the practitioner. Where do you go to check if a payer covers a code? As they probably vary by payer, is there a keyword search I can do? the practitioner will spend up to 90 minutes sometimes so I am going to G2212 for prolonged services, and sometimes exercise demonstration is billed. Is there a code for mental health screening with covid for MD/NP? That's been a big one. So any tips for Naturopathic coding/billing or your favorite sites or search key words would be helpful. Thank you in advance!