Wiki coding arteriogram with runoff


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I am fairly new to interventional radiology coding and I am wondering how the following statement would be coded:

Rt femoral retrograde arteriotomy with placement of a 6 French 11 cm sheath. Catheter advanced to the rt innominate artery, selective rt innominate arteriogram with subclavian artery runoff.

Do I code the selective catheter to the innominate artery or do I take it to the subclavian??

Also Dr stated rt selective brachial arteriogram with runoff to the rt ulnar and radial arteries. How would this be coded?

The phrase with run off is confusing me.

Any help would be very much appreciated>

Thanks. Lisa;)
I am fairly new to interventional radiology coding and I am wondering how the following statement would be coded:

Rt femoral retrograde arteriotomy with placement of a 6 French 11 cm sheath. Catheter advanced to the rt innominate artery, selective rt innominate arteriogram with subclavian artery runoff.

Do I code the selective catheter to the innominate artery or do I take it to the subclavian??

Also Dr stated rt selective brachial arteriogram with runoff to the rt ulnar and radial arteries. How would this be coded?

The phrase with run off is confusing me.

Any help would be very much appreciated>

Thanks. Lisa;)
Hi Lisa,
What you have to code for the catheter placement is how far did the catheter go, not the wire. For the brachial catheter placement from the femoral access, that is a third order catheterization above the diaphragm which is coded 36217. The arm imaging is a extremity arteriogram unilateral. That is coded 75710 for unilateral extremity arteriogram.
Hope that helps,
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
When the doctor states with runoff does that mean the wire was advanced into a vessel and not a cath??
When the doctor states with runoff does that mean the wire was advanced into a vessel and not a cath??

I agree with Jim. 36217/75710 assuming there is an interpretation of the images. The term "runoff" refers to contrast flow from the injection site.

HTH :)