Wiki Coding Anesthesia


Chesapeake, VA
Best answers
I have just started a new job in anesthesia and I do know how to code the anesthesia codes I am having a horrible time with the modifiers and the different guidelines of the different carriers. Does anyone have any ideas on the quickest way to learn the modifier requirements. Help! :eek:
Does your Software automatically assign the modifiers? When i coded it, We were not allow and told by an Outside Vendor that we cannot apply modifiers manually. The software would run a concurrency report and assign QK,AA, etc based on the MD/CRNA times in and out. It will take time to learn it all. :cool:
Anesthesia Modifiers

The best advice I can give you is to be "actively" working the denials with your billers. Time is the second factor for you to become acclimated in your new position. Once your claims go out the door and the denial comes in. Be active on why did it deny. Was it a modifier issue? Did you miss assigning a QS modifier for a MAC or the physical status of the patient. As you see the information and research it your job will become so much easier. Right now is the time to write down all the anesthesia modifiers on one sheet and keep it close to reference, also leave room to add notes as you learn things. Also having a Relative Value Guide is very helpful they have a section on modifiers.
Congratulations & good luck with your new position,
Anesthesia, Pathology, and Laboratory Coder
I have been an anesthesia coder for well over 10 years. The best advice is to call other hospitals or private physician's offices who have an anesthesia biller and/or coder available to speak to. You will find that other coders are very understanding and will help you immensely. You can also email me at with any questions you may have and I will be glad to assist you.
I can also send you information that helped me while I was learning and understanding the coding requirements/guidelines.
I hope this helps you!