Wiki Coding and Billing


True Blue
Bellerose, NY
Best answers
1) Is it necessary to code chief compliant/s along with Diagnosis for ED?

2) Is it OK to code chief compliant/s along with Diagnosis for ED?

Among 9 coders only 1 coder is coding like that. I am not sure who is doing wrong? I would like to know the proper coding and billing guidelines .

Thank you

Have a nice weekend
According to ICD-9 Guidelines for Coding and Reporting, Section IV, paragraph H: List first the ICD-9-CM code for the diagnosis, condition, problem or other reason for the encounter/visit shown in the medical record to be chiefly responsible for the services provided. List any additional codes codes that describe coexisting conidtions. In some cases the first-listed diagnosis may be a symptom when a diagnosis has not been established by the physician.

If a diagnosis has been established you code that, if no diagnosis then you can code signs or symptoms. You would not code a sign or symptom if it's an integral part of an established diagnosis (i.e. abdominal pain with appendicitis or chest pain with acute MI).