Wiki Coding and billing for depression


Richfield, PA
Best answers
Anybody have any references for coding and billing for depression. Most insurances do not cover E&M for depression after initial diagnosis is made. Appreciate any comments.

V. Kratzer
You can use the appropriate V code primary if the patient is being seen for medication upkeep prescribed by the doctor billing for the visit.

(ex: V58.83 Encounter for therapeutic drug monitoring)
Has the patient been diagnosed with a depressive disorder or are they just unhappy. If the patient has not undergone a psych eval for a depressive disorder then you should look at the 799.2 codes for signs and symptoms involving emotion state. You should know that 311 is not a code for a diagnosis of depression, that is a code for depressive disorder NEC. Which is not really the same thing. So be sure the provider has in fact diagnosed the patient as having a depressive disorder, then if your provider is just performing a med refill the V58.83 with the V58.6- code works.