Wiki Coding Aftercare with new injury


Dayton, PA
Best answers

Can anyone tell me on how to code the following:

Patient had right distal biceps repair 4/24/2014 - out of global period

Patient comes in for a follow up - Diagnosis - Rt distal biceps repair with postoperative de Quervain's Tenosynovitis

Do I code an aftercare code along with the de Quevain's Tenosynovitis or do I just code the de Quervain's Tenosynovitis

Any help is appreciated!

Thank you and have a great day!

It would depend on the documentation in the note, was the purpose of the visit focused on the de Quervain's or were both areas examined and included in the MDM?
V67.00 Is used for Examinations out of the global period. You can use the 727.04 as your primary if that was the focus of the visit, and the V-code as a secondary dx.
Thank you for the information, the focus of the visit was the followup status post right distal biceps repair.

So would I code the followup as the primary code and then 727.04 second?

I am fairly new with coding and was not sure putting the V code first with a diagnosis code.

Should I be coding the reason for the visit first?

Thank you!