Wiki Coding addendum to radiology reports


Shamokin, PA
Best answers
I have a provider billing us two MRI's, one with a 26 and the second with a 26/76. There was only one MROI done but they are billing the second(26/76) for an addendum made to the report 5 minutes after the initial read was done. Is this billing allowed? Can they even report the addendum to the report?
An addendum, by definition, is information that is added to the medical record. It's part of the documentation of and the work involved in that original procedure - it's not a separate service and wouldn't be appropriate to report as such.

Modifier 76 would be for a second, repeated MRI done on the same day, usually for a medical necessary reason such as a change in the patient's condition since the first procedure was done - it would involve a completely separate procedure and report, not an addendum.