Wiki Coding a LHC, with selective LIMA angio to check for patency


Lancaster, OH
Best answers
Would I code the 93458 for the left heart cath and 36215 for selective LIMA with RS&I of 75710. It's not a graft, it is being checked for patency to see if it is suitable to be a graft.
Would I code the 93458 for the left heart cath and 36215 for selective LIMA with RS&I of 75710. It's not a graft, it is being checked for patency to see if it is suitable to be a graft.

Assuming, given your code of 93458 that you did a LHC with coronaries as well as checking the LIMA for suitability to be a graft, code 93459 instead of 93458. Do not also code 36215 and 75756 (which would be the correct code for a LIMA angiogram S & I without heart cath) or 75710 (which does not include LIMA).
Assuming, given your code of 93458 that you did a LHC with coronaries as well as checking the LIMA for suitability to be a graft, code 93459 instead of 93458. Do not also code 36215 and 75756 (which would be the correct code for a LIMA angiogram S & I without heart cath) or 75710 (which does not include LIMA).

I agree with donna. Here is more information for you
"use code 93455,93457,93459,93461 when selective injections are made into arterial conduits (IMA, Radial, or GD bypass grafts) whether used or contemplated to be used as a graft, when angiography is performed at the time of cardiac catheterization."

from Dr Z's Diagnostic & Interventional Cardiovascular Coding Reference, fifth edition 2011.

HTH :)
Thank you both! I thought it was the 93459 but then started 2nd guessing myself when it was just being checked for patency to see if suitable for a graft.

Thanks again ;)