Wiki Codes bundled into76000


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I have an MD who would like a complete list of codes that CPT 76000 is bundled into. If one exists, where might I find it? Thanks in advance!!
There probably isn't one created by CMS or a commercial carrier beyond the NCCI edit spreadsheets. Since the 76000 is "Separate Procedure" meaning that it should only really be used when it's the only procedure performed. There is not always an NCCI edit with separate procedures and knowing when you can bill it is tricky. When I train surgical coders or educate providers I use these coding guidelines:
1. Do not bill when floro is an inherent part of a primary procedure
2. Do not bill if fluoroscopy is part of a code descriptor
3. Do not bill for localization and positioning

Think of it more as a diagnostic procedure only. This is not all inclusive information so each situation needs to be reviewed and verified with specialty resources and carrier specific resources.
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