Wiki Codes 90862 and 90801- Behavioral Health


Jacksonville, FL
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Can someone share there expertise in assisting me with the documentation that is required for the following Behavioral Health codes: 90862 and 90801

I am currently assisting the department in revising there form in an effort to ensure coding compliance. BH is new to me as well as these codes, so I am not sure exactly what is required. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
codes 90862 and 90801

The code 90801 needs to inclued a history, mental status exam, and a dispostion as well as ordering and medical interpretation of lab or other medical diagnostic studies.
Code 90862 involves the assessment and diagnosis of medical problems amenable to drug therapy, initiation of therapy and subsequent visits to assess reposnse and dosage regulation. 90862 includes prescribing medication, monitoring the effect of medication and it's side effect and adjusting dosage. Any psychotherapy provided is minimal and usually supportive only. If you include psychotherapy you should use code 90805.
Hope this helps...not sure if that was what you were looking for or not
Reply to Behavioral Health codes

yes, this helps a lot! Does it matter how it is structered / categorized on the form?
90801 has the following on their form:
Complaint with duration or onset
Current illness
VEG SX (What does that mean?) Mood Symptoms Thought Symptoms

Previous Psych HX: Inpatient
Previous Med:
Current Meds
Medical HX: Conditions:
Family HX: Relationship Condition
Social HX
Work /School
Treatment Plan
Axis I -Axis V (what does this mean?)
Return appt Signature

Where should I incorporate the essential components you mentioned here on this form? It looks like some of it is already on here, it's just worded different.

90862 Form
Med Mgmt Individual Family
MSE (I am not sure wht the abbreviation stands for, but under it is check off boxes for orientation, appearance , grooming, sleep, mood, etc.
Plan: Side effects, benefits, toxic effects, risk benefit ratios of medication and alternative medication discussed with patient in detail, patient and parents agreeable to taking meications.
Change in RX Plan
Return appt Dx

Where should I incorporate the essential components you mentioned here on this form?

Thanks for your assistance, it;s greatly appreciated!;)
It looks to me like you have it all pretty well covered in your form. VEG SX would be vegatative syptoms I believe.
MSE= mental status exam. You will see this ALOT!
Axis 1-5 is an assesment on severeral levels, each which referrs to different domain of info. They are as follows:
1)Clinical disorders
2) personality disorders, mental retardation
3) general medical conditions
4) psychosocial disorders and enviromental problems
5) Global assesment of functioning

For coding purposes, you really only need to look at axis 1