Wiki Codes 35475, 75962 & 37238


Lancaster, OH
Best answers
I have a physician that did perc thrombectomy which is 36870. He also performed PTA of an AV anastomosis 35475 & 75962. He then stented the Venous outflow 37238. I can not find anything that tells me it is okay to bill the PTA and the stenting codes together. My question is, is the PTA bundled in to the stenting code 37238 [U]eventhough, work was done in two separate segments?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have a physician that did perc thrombectomy which is 36870. He also performed PTA of an AV anastomosis 35475 & 75962. He then stented the Venous outflow 37238. I can not find anything that tells me it is okay to bill the PTA and the stenting codes together. My question is, is the PTA bundled in to the stenting code 37238 [U]eventhough, work was done in two separate segments?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You can bill for each as long as they are in separate zones, and not a bridging lesion. Documentation should be very clear.

HTH :)
I don't do a lot of IR coding and want to make sure I have a correct grasp of the new stent codes 37236-37239 as they apply to AV fistulas. 1st, when you say zone you're talking about peripheral versus central zone of the fistula, right? So if both the angioplasty and the stent are in the actual fistula itself, either the venous or arterial anastomosis, we only code the highest intervention? What if the arterial anastomosis is stented, and the physician does a separate fistulogram on the venous end and does a angioplasty there? Are both still coded?