Wiki coder


Frederic, Wisconsin
Best answers
Have some difference of opinions when split billing a Medicare physical and an E&M,
does just managing or renewing a prescription / or regular/chronic health issues justify charging the E&M?
Have some difference of opinions when split billing a Medicare physical and an E&M,
does just managing or renewing a prescription / or regular/chronic health issues justify charging the E&M?

No it does not. You cannot charge a separately reportable office visit when the principle reason for the encounter is preventive . If the patient did not express a symptomatic complaint then the only reason for the visit is preventive. An expected component of a preventive encounter is that the provider will reorder medications and any relevant labs. Also the patient is the one that must request medical services, if they only request the preventive then that is all that can be charged, if the patient has symptomatic concerns then the patient is requesting an additional service to the preventive.
Thanks - just what I was thinking!
Another question asked is - do you do the split billing with physical appts for non-medicare pts as well as the Medicare pts?
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