Wiki coder


Oak Leaf, Texas
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my ongoing, nagging inquiry is about the future of the coder, what with the software the offices utilize, that already include codesets that the doctors just pick and move on, somehow, I feel I am being left out of the loop, the office sees the "Machine" is doing the coding for me, thusly, my human services(and salary) no longer necessary, thereby a certain victim to overhead trimming. How can I justify my position, when the bottom line dictates me as being dead weight with the software they invest in, eliminates the need for me??
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In most cases the software is not selecting the code, it is SUGGESTING a code and that is very different. You will find in most cases unspecified codes are being used when a specific code exists and even times when the code "suggested" is completely incorrect. To prove your worth go back and review those cases where you had no input into the codes and based only on the providers narrative what should the codes be. Not the codes the provider checked mind you or the dx in the assessment area but what did the provider truly communicate was the dx and what was the level of service and so on. You may be amazed at how many times the software misses the mark.