Wiki Coder position in Jacksonville/Middleburg FL area.


Grand Bay, AL
Best answers
Good morning. Would like to post this again. I am CPC looking for a coder job in Jacksonville/Middleburg area. I have 5 year experience in medical insurance field. I have coding experience in Radiology, Ob-gyn and Family practices. I would like to get a job lined up before I move. I will be in Jacksonville area on the week of July 4th. Email is Hope to hear from someone soon!!! :D Have a great day!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~ Feel I also need to add that I am hearing impaired. I cannot call you for interview. I feel that alot are intimidated by the fact that I am hearing impaired. I want to clear up that I can speak for myself and alot people have no problem understanding me. If necessary to use a phone I have something called videophone that I can use to communicate with hearing. I do not have that hooked up now because I am not required to use phone at work, mainly use email or fax. Thanks
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Please contact me at 904-224-9949. There is an opening for a coder position/auditor in Jacksonville for the most wonderful place. I just accepted a position as a remote coder or I would not be leaving here!:)
