Wiki Coder Pay Rate


Park Ridge, IL
Best answers
I was wondering if someone can help me determine the average pay rate I should be getting from my experience? I would like to know if where I am working now is paying me what I am worth, or if I am being short changed.

I know it varies on experience so here is my experience.
I only received my CPC, but did receive a diploma in Medical Billing and Coding at Everest College. I have over 9 years of experience in Medical Billing and Coding. Worked in a Medical Clinic for over 4 years and then worked in a Cubicle setting for about another 3 years in reimbursement follow up and Ortho coding.

I am curious if other coders get paid more if they received more certifications, such as CCS-P, RHIA, RHIT, etc.....

Any advice would help! Thanks
you could also check out and do a search a little more specific to experience, location, education and such.
In my experience pay scale is based not only on experience but also location and certifications. Take a look at the job postings for your area to get an idea of what is being offered. Also, I have found that jobs
titled biller/coder pay less than a coding position.