Wiki coder level description


Denver, CO
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Hello Fellow Coders,
I have question; how should I determine what level of coder am I? My previous job never really followed the leveling guidelines (although I know I was medical coder II) however now I am looking for jobs and all I see need for Coder II, III, IV etc.
I am CPC, CASCC with 10 years of experience. I am coding different charts; IR, infusions, recently I am being trained in OBS.
From my experience, the definition of Coder I, II, III, etc is determined by the employer. It is simply a job title. For example, in different organizations, 3 people could have the title of "Coder II" but one mainly appeals denied claims, another reviews claims that hit a claim scrubber edit for diagnosis only, and another reads op notes and codes surgery with CPT, ICD-10 and modifiers.
The job posting should specify how much experience and/or what skills they are seeking. I would apply for the jobs where I meet the requirements, rather than by the title.
My organization does not use Coder levels at all. Almost everyone is the same title, with some being "Senior", then "Lead", which are stepping stones to supervisor/management positions.