Wiki code for LUPUS

V17.8 is an incomplete code, so the only options there are Family History of V17.81 Osteoporosis and V17.89 Other musculoskeletal diseases, so I would use the latter, V17.89.
I thought Lupus is the skin disorder

Lupus affects more than just the skin, it is a connective tissue disease. Also, once systemic (SLE), it affects joints, nerves, muscle etc.

Either way, I like V17.89 for family history, but would probably sequence a code for the symptoms (reason for visit, if available) first.

HTH :)
we never billed any history codes previously. Now we started to code all history codes (Personal and family) for primary care physicians. In the chart doctor wrote family history "mom had LUPUS".

P.S I am looking for code Personal history Rheumatic fever

thank you