Wiki Code for levated BP no longer present.

Douglas, AK
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Code for elevated BP no longer present.

Our provider saw a patient with elevated blood pressure without diagnosis of hypertension. At the follow-up visit the patient's BP was back to normal. What diagnosis code is used for the follow-up? I can't find any personal history codes related to elevated BP. Do I just use R03.0 even though the condition wasn't present anymore?

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Elevated BP

What about Z09 Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for conditions other than malignant neoplasm?
You wouldn't use that code unless the provider treated the problem which is unlikely. I would use the elevated BP code in the office setting; that was the reason for the encounter.
elevated blood pressure

Our provider saw a patient with elevated blood pressure without diagnosis of hypertension. At the follow-up visit the patient's BP was back to normal. What diagnosis code is used for the follow-up? I can't find any personal history codes related to elevated BP. Do I just use R03.0 even though the condition wasn't present anymore?


Code R03.0, by nature, is a transient code; it is only temporarily elevated, whereas I10, essential hypertension, is a chronic, ongoing condition. If it is no longer present at the subsequent visit, it is my understanding that you wouldn't code it at all. You would just code for the follow-up encounter.